Wilson's Up-dates
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Monday, December 6, 2010
Here's looking at you Sudan
One of the purposes of the Sudan project is to create a farm, a sustainable green house and a fishpond. This type of farming assures durable economic benefits for the Women of Hope and for the entire project. Food will be more available as better agricultural techniques are used in our greenhouse and fishponds.
It is so sad to see loss in times drought. Termites and the use of traditional agricultural practices hurt the land and threaten the lives of farmers. When people who do not know how to farm correctly clear trees for new farms, it exposes the ground to drying winds. The erosion from intense torrential rains removes the rich topsoil and eventually the soil becomes infertile and farmers move to other land, clear trees, and the destructive cycle begins again.
We can solve the termite and water problem but we also need to solve the traditional agricultural practices. We have begun to reverse that cycle by introducing greenhouse and holistic farming techniques to our group. Our hope is to create farms that work with the land and not against it.
This is an important project to provide clean water in the regular drought situation of Sudan. In many areas of Sudan where the Evangelical Church of South Sudan (ECSS) is strong, there has not been adequate rain since 2008. Rural families must struggle to secure water for their own survival. They need a source of water for agriculture and for their livestock. Early this year, the ECSS with TBC assistance, provided hot meals to school children threatened by starvation due to severe drought. However as the critical situation continues, it is clear that food aid was only a temporary solution. The ECSS has begun planning and praying for long-term solutions through the proposed project of drilling boreholes and the provision of clean water. There is a great need of significant funding for this project for the Sudanese communities. We will be extremely grateful for people willing to support this life-giving project. The wells will cost an estimated $9,500. We are hopeful that the price will decrease over 2011.
Our first wells will be operational in March. At that time we will initiate the greenhouse, Women of Hope Project and the fishponds.
Pray for this fund. "Let my heart be broken with the things that break God's heart." Bob Pierce, World Vision founder.
Women of Hope Mission (WOH), a women’s group ministry of the ECSS, has always been at the forefront reaching Sudanese women with the Gospel of Christ. In April of this year, WOH conducted a seminar on Bible training, evangelism, self-reliance (micro-entrepreneurship and management). Women have a great role to play in the church and community, especially to families, widows and orphans. Romans 12:4-8. 3 For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the faith God has distributed to each of you. 4 For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, 5 so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. 6 We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your[a] faith; 7 if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; 8 if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead,[b] do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.
WOH is training women for leadership in the local churches, families and communities. The hopes and goals of their leaders are to train 60,000 responsible, active women leaders by 2015 ( a five year plan). Many women are coming forward to be involved with the spread of the gospel. The WOH see that there is a need for training women in income generating activities. Our water, small farms and economic plans will help them do that.
"Women are critical to advancing economic development in their families and entire villages," said Albina Illam, WOH chairlady. “We seek to empower women to uplift living standards,” she continued. “Despite cattle raiding and inter and intra tribal fighting, WOH leaders continue to have hope that agriculture is the best way to lift their members out of the current economic quagmire. WOH seeks to provide women survivors of war, cattle rustling and other inter and intra tribal conflicts with the tools and resources to move from crisis and poverty to stability and self-reliance”
Albina explains that severe drought has worsened the situation in South Sudan hence the threat on food security that has often resulted into famine. She added that women remain in turmoil because of physical and psychological damage, lack of education, and social and economic exclusion, having survived this onslaught of violence. WOH proposed programs will target widows, children, orphans, single heads of household, returnees, internally displaced persons and the physically challenged.
Apul’s story: “Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the cause of orphans. Fight for the right of widows” (Isaiah 1:17). The above pictured woman, Apul, with her two children. Apul is a widow from Lofi village, Ikwato County. She recently lost her husband to the hands of cattle raiders. Raiders had attacked a village in Ikwato County two days before Dominic went to visit the village. According to the report from villagers, the raiders came in the night. They went into one of the “Obore” and stole 20 cows. The following morning, thirty local people wanted to follow those who raided their village. They went and fell into an ambush set by the raiders. In that ambush, six people were killed including Apul’s husband. Nine were wounded and others were unharmed. Civilians in Sudan are causing these crimes because they still possess illegal arms. The local authorities tell us that plans to disarm them are underway.
Apul, her two children and the two children of her other husband’s wives, depend on her for food, school fees and a safe place to live. She struggles to feed them every day and to pay their basic school fees. After the killing of her husband, Apul resides with her children in Torit. We can help and are moving in that direction! “Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.” (James 1:27).
The proposed Water and Farm project is going to materialize! Agricultural practices will be modernized to enable farmers to grow a variety of crops on one piece of land in conjunction with the raising of livestock where viable. It means that a farmer can grow a traditional crop for local market demand coupled with a less typical, preferably higher value green house crop of vegetables. This will begin with training women in necessary skills and techniques and sustainable practices of commercial integrated farming.
WOH members will be provided with vegetable seeds that they will grow on their individual plots. It will enable them to actively earn a living and educate their children. We urgently need financial support to put this project in place.
REVIZED Financial Goals For 2011
1.) Farm Development and 2 Green Houses-- $12,000.
2.) Water for Life--$5,000
3.) Women of Hope-- $5,000
4.) Water wells WOH-- $20,000.00 (I believe we could put 4 wells in for this!)
Total 2011 prayer request and budget is $42,000
Monday, November 29, 2010
It takes a lot of help to get a Rig on its way
Romans 15:5 May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Encouragement! What a wonderful thing that God blesses us with when we least expect it but when we most need it!
Approximately two years ago an old well rig was purchased for the purpose of drilling water wells in Kenya and Sudan. I put it in my back yard in RI and have been working on it for 2 years. I found out how little I really knew about well rigs. It sometimes seemed like I would take two steps forward and three steps back. I knew that each day that went by was another day that the people in Africa had either no water or had to drink rank, dirty water. I was getting very discouraged at times as the months went by.
Several months ago I received a call from a man in New Jersey asking if it would be ok if he and his friend came and helped on the rig. They had heard about it in their church Clayton Baptist a supporting church of Rick and Diana Wilson. Yes! My wife Dale and I had been praying for this rig for two years. Well, God turned those two men into seven! What a blessing! They were willing to take time out of their busy work schedules to come and help us. They each had expertise in specific areas. God sent experienced welders and even someone who was willing to do the tedious task of scrapping the rust off that old machine. These men were such an encouragement to me and it was all done to glorify God and to further His kingdom. They were only here for four days. I was saddened to see them leave, not because I would be back to working alone on the rig but because of the friendships we had created through Jesus Christ.
We had a common bond. It was so wonderful to see people from RI and people from NJ getting together to work on a project all for one reason---Spreading the Good News!
God had answered my prayers and I now can see a light at the end of the tunnel. With a new paint job and new engine it will go to Sudan by the beginning of December 2010. Just when God saw my need of encouragement, He sent these men from over three hundred miles away to help. I have been on seven short term mission trips but this was the closest one to my back door.
Dale and I have been to visit these men and their church---our new friends from New JOISEY! What a great time we have had together!
Thank you for your prayers and support.
Rick and Diana Wilson
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Support Update from Rick and Diana Wilson
We now find ourselves under supported and it has become too much to bear. When I looked at the amount we lack each month it was $1,163.00. Just today I had a church say that they will have to decrease our support by $277.00 per month. This brings us to a $1,440.00 monthly shortfall. It has been a long time since we have asked for support but it is evident that we are going to need to begin raising our support level from new churches and new people. When someone gives $10.00, $20.00, $50.00 or more a month it makes a huge difference because it all adds up.
If you would prayerfully consider joining our team, please complete the online form https://worldventure.com/Give/Make-A-Commitment.html?id=4732 or fill out and send in the form below so that we can begin 2010 with the necessary support. We look forward to seeing whom God will add in the next month. If you would like more information, please send us a note: Rick and Diana Wilson, 2204 Roslyn Ave, NC 28208 or Ph. 704.910.0877 or email rickdianawilson@msn.com. If you are not able to support financially at this time please keep us in prayer.
God Bless,
Rick and Diana Wilson
Happy New Year

We feel so blessed as we look back at 2009. We want to share with you just a few of those ministry blessings.
The farm in Kenya is again producing vegetables that are helping the Mayatima Project become self-sufficient.
The Project in Romania is starting to pay back the funds that we lent them and now we can continue to help them become self-sufficient.
The Well Project in Sudan will becoming to fruition because all the funds were raised to finally send the well rig God willing by January 30, 2010.
We want to share with you just a few of our family blessings.
1. Channing Lucy Wilson
was born December 7,
2009 to Adam and Haven.
Siena is four and Hawkins
is two.
2. Aubrey Dean
(Rick’s middle name)
Stephan was born
December 21, 2009 to
Amy and Doug Stephan.
Alyssa is ten and Davis is
3. We celebrated our
thirty-fifth wedding
anniversary and looking
forward to many more
years together.
Our prayer Requests for 2010:
1. Pray for Rick as he will be gone almost the while month
of January speaking in four different churches.
2. Pray for Rick as he travels to Kenya and Sudan. He will
be gone from February 17 through April 1.
3 Pray for Rick as he gets things organized in Kenya to
build a boarding school this summer with the teams that
will be involved.
4. Also, pray for him as he puts in the wells in Sudan.
We want to wish you a very Blessed New Year and we want to say thank you for your prayers and support.
Rick and Diana Wilson
Monthly needed Support $1,440.00
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Water needed
I have told you about how we need water on our land to create a farm in Sudan. The photo is a good way to see how dry and hot it gets there.
Keep pray for our partners and for our water project we are only $10,000.00 short at this time. I plan to put in two wells while in Sudan this Feb and March 2010.
Cool Water by Burl Ives http://www.bobnolan-sop.net/Weeds%27n%27Water/Water%20-%20Recorded%20mp3s/Ives.mp3
Monday, November 30, 2009
U.S. Says Sudan's 2010 Elections in Doubt
Sudan may be unable to hold credible elections in coming months because the ruling party and opposition cannot agree on ground rules for the polls, the U.S. State Department said on Friday.
28 November 2009
WASHINGTON, 27 Nov 2009 (Reuters) -At the end of a trip to Sudan by President Barack Obama's special envoy Scott Gration, the State Department said it saw little movement on issues such as voter registration and border delineation between Khartoum and the semi-autonomous South - endangering plans for national elections in April 2010 and a referendum on southern succession in 2011.
"Without immediate resolution of these disputes, we are concerned about the chances for conducting credible elections and referenda," it said in a statement.
"Unfortunately, the parties have not yet demonstrated the political will necessary to achieve resolution on these difficult and sensitive issues."
Gration's trip to Sudan was his first since Washington announced in October it would keep economic sanctions on Sudan but would also offer Khartoum new incentives to end violence in Darfur and the South.
The Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM), former southern rebels who are now junior partners in the governing coalition under the terms of a 2005 peace deal, have accused the North of stalling on a democratic transformation and undermining plans for free elections.
The SPLM and other parties said on Wednesday they would delay a decision on whether to boycott April's elections in part due to a week-long extension of the voter registration period.
The strains have raised fears the north-south civil war- fueled by issues including religion, ethnicity, oil and ideology between mostly Christian southern rebels and the Islamist Khartoum government - could reignite.
Gration visited voter registration centers and urged people to sign up for the polls "as it is the only way for the Sudanese people to maintain their right to participate in the national elections in April 2010," the statement said.
He also visited Darfur, where the United Nations says more than 2 million people were driven from their homes and some 300,000 people died in a crisis that saw non-Arab militias take up arms against the central government. Khartoum puts the death toll at 10,000.
Gration's meetings concentrated on the security situation along the Chad-Sudan border, with the State Department noting lawlessness and banditry were heightening tensions yet again.
"Addressing these ongoing security concerns is crucial for achieving a lasting peace in Darfur," the statement said.
(Reporting by Andrew Quinn; editing by David Alexander and John O'Callaghan)
AU Security Council assures to respect people’s choice in South Sudan referendum
Friday 27 November 2009 03:30.
By James Gatdet Dak
November 26, 2009 (JUBA) – The African Union’s Peace and Security Council has pledged to respect the choice of the people of Southern Sudan in the outcome of the referendum on secession scheduled to take place in January 2011.
AU Peace and Security Council ambassadors (R) meeting with South Sudan cabinet (L), Juba, November 26, 2009 (Photo by James G. Dak, ST)
Peace and Security Council is the body charged with the responsibility to deal with peace and security in Africa.
The Council’s delegation comprising 15 ambassadors of the African Union arrived in Juba on Wednesday to assess the security situation in Southern Sudan in particular and implementation of the 2005 North-South Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) in general.
They met with the Government of Southern Sudan’s cabinet in a meeting chaired by the Vice President Dr. Riek Machar Teny.
The Peace and Security Council delegation was headed by the organization’s ambassador for Rwanda, Professor Joseph Nsengimana.
The delegation was briefed by the cabinet about the current general situation in the country, urging it to be vigilant as the country enters into major political events.
The meeting mostly dwelled on the issues of elections, referendum for Southern Sudan and Abyei and popular consultations for both Southern Blue Nile and Southern Kordufan.
The delegation assured the government of the African Union’s position to respect the choice of the people of Southern Sudan in the referendum.
The meeting also stressed the need to bring peace to Darfur and participate in the democratic transformation in the country.
The people of Southern Sudan will choose between confirming the current unity of Sudan and creating an independent country in January 2011.
Kiir urges Uganda to lead recognition of independent South Sudan
Thursday 26 November 2009 05:30.
By Ngor Arol Garang
November 25, 2009 (JUBA) — General Salva Kiir Mayardit, First Vice-President of the Republic of Sudan and President of the semi-autonomous region of Southern Sudan, has on Wednesday 24, in both Moyo and Adjumani Districts of Uganda, urged Ugandans to lead recognition of the independent state of South Sudan if referendum votes favor secession.
Sudan’s First Vice President speaking at Moyo, northern Uganda on Tuesday 24 November 2009 (photo by Larco Lomayat)
"If referendum favors southern secession from the North to become an independent state, South Sudanese in Uganda expects Uganda to take the lead in recognizing South Sudan as an independent country if South Sudanese voted for secession in the 2011 referendum," Kiir said.
The Sudanese First Vice President, who left Juba for Uganda for bilateral talks on border dispute, after an official invitation from Ugandans President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, further said, Ugandans and Southern Sudanese are the same and one people.
"Ugandans and South Sudanese are people of one common objective; and that they have to work together so that they get set goals," he said.
Commenting on the issue of border disputes which necessitated his visit, he said misunderstanding arising from territorial rivalry should not divert us from the joint Southern Sudanese and Ugandan vision.
"I think we can find solutions to whatever misunderstanding that might have occurred," he commented saying South Sudanese in Northern Uganda and elsewhere in the country, should live with Ugandans as one people without giving in for ill separation, the President said. The same applies to Ugandans in any part of Southern Sudan, Kiir added.
Kiir is further said that the border conflict and insecurity in southern Sudan started after the peace agreement peace in 2005; it was not there during the war.
"Not only in Moyo (northern Ugandan near Sudan’s border) that we are having problems; there are also tribal wars in Southern Sudan; all these conflicts are happening because someone is behind them, their aim is just to create chaotic situations for reasons best known to them, that means there are some people who are working day and night so that there is instability in South Sudan. Let us not allow it. Let nobody agitate you so that you quarrel amongst yourselves," he stressed.
Kiir who seems turning his back on Sudan’s unity after four year of a peace deal signed with the National Congress Party in 2005, tried during his European tour to campaign in favor of separation and to draw EU support for southern Sudan independence.
However, last month his government dismissed remarks where he called for southern Sudan independence describing vote for a united Sudan as voting for "second class" citizenship.
Ugandan President, Yoweri Kaguta Musevesni, stressed that what is happening in the border area is not a dispute, "it is simply misunderstanding which will be handled and solved by the brothers and sisters of our two sister countries amicably." He is further reported having said misunderstanding