Dear Friend,
What a summer we had in Kenya! Our work went well! Things are starting to return to normal after the chaos during the election last December. With so many killings and destruction, our Mayatima Project had been affected---especially the farm. We had to sell all the chickens because there was no transportation during this time to bring food. Now we must buy new ones. Pray for the farm because it needs a little help to get jump-started. We also need to finish the well. This project will really help the people to help themselves.
We are pleased to report the school is growing and helping so many children locally as well as many of our orphans. Pray for 3 new classrooms that are needed and for a boarding school that will be built soon.
The churches were affected as well. Out of the 11 churches only 5 remain active because of the tribal clashes. This is a sad reality of the flesh and of prejudices that exist in Africa between the churches. I do not know if you heard about one church (not one of ours) that was set on fire with 30 people inside. When they tried to run out of the church, machete-wielding people killed them. Please pray that the 5 remaining churches will be able to grow and become one tribe in Jesus.
I also want to share with you several letters from 3 girls who accompanied Diana and me to Kenya this year. I was very impressed how these young girls adapted so well and did such great work with the kids. These letters express their experiences in their own words.
Thank you so much for your support. Diana and I would not be able to work in this way if we did not have your support. Thank you for your prayers because without them nothing would be possible. We have already seen God do some great things and we believe He is planning more good things that will lead many to his Son, Jesus.
God bless you,
Rick and Diana Wilson