I recently had a friend write to me and say, “When you write of the suffering in Africa I cannot imagine what you describe, I would not do well under that incredible stress and sadness.” Who can! You see people who have gone through things we only see in movies as we munch on our popcorn and slurp down a coke. Reality in Sudan is ugly, stressful, unmerciful and downright hard. It is even worse if you’re child or a woman. Emotionally, mentally and physically it takes so much out of you. They have so very little with almost no understanding of Christ at all. To understand how hard and dangerous it can be Dominic, the national that we work with in Sudan, tells of a recent event as he experienced God’s protection: “Several weeks ago, around 11 pm, on a dangerous road to Sudan, we came upon a roadblock. Six Turkana gunmen with their guns pointed at us ordered the truck to stop. Two of the gunmen walked slowly toward us and began to shout, ‘We want your money, phones and watches.’ So I grabbed my small bag and sat on it as they keep shouting. I took courage to talk to them as the others decided to lie down on their bellies. Just then one gunman hit me with his gun barrel on my shoulder of my left arm, shouting, ‘Give me your money, or die!’ But then to my surprise he passed very quickly to the next person. John (a Kenyan business man in Torit town, Sudan) leaving me alone because he was making so much noise he drew their attention as he was crying, ‘Oh leave us, oh leave us---we do not have money!’ I asked all the people to collect funds for these men, but John kept on crying out, ‘Oh leave us, oh leave---we do not have money!” As the gunmen became more centered on him I took on the role as a mediator. The two gunmen held John by the neck with both hands as one chocked him vigorously and said, ‘Utakimia ama tukunyamazishe kabisa.’ (Be silent or we silence you permanently). Turning back to me a third gunman was holding an AK47 to my forehead and then with his left hand he quickly checked my pockets to find very little money. Glory to God—he did not find the money Rick Wilson sent for the project, my digital camera or phone that I had in the small bag I was sitting on because he did not order me to stand up or get out of the truck! Because of all the crying they told us to be silent. I went into prayer just God and me in silent communion and prayer! I prayed to God, ‘God remember your servant.’ Remembering His promise in Psalm 121:1-8 then, I finally said, ‘God, be faithful to your words. Great and mighty is the Lord that I serve. He is faithful, able and true.’ And the ‘commander’ of the gunmen said to his fellow men, ‘Let them go.’ As I prayed a light appeared. It was an approaching car and they fled not knowing if it was the police or others. The Turkana gunmen did not get much from me because God kept me safe by blinding them. My watch was on my wrist but they did not see any of what I had on me except for a few shillings. God blinded them! I was left in pain where they hit me with their gun, but God protected me and the funds I had for the project. Psalm 125:2 says, ‘As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds His people both now and forever more.’ I can continue to testify that the Lord neither sleeps nor slumbers, for he watches over us,”
I have been on this road many times and can say without a doubt that God has watched over us as He has done for Dominic! Our hope is not in what we can do, but in what our God Jesus Christ can do. He can heal all these pains and right the wrongs. It will not be easy, but with Christ we believe all things are possible, do we not? We are not there by chance but by God’s Sovereign hand. It is His work, His people and He loves them and has a plan for them! If you would like to help here’s how:
1. Pray for God to guide us.
2. Pray for us, as we are overwhelmed with the needs of the people and for safety.
3. Pray that we would be wise in the use of our resources.
4. Pray about giving. Send funds to Rick & Diana Wilson #784 WorldVenture 1501 W. Mineral Ave. Littleton, CO 80120-5612 phone 800-487-4224 720-283-2000 Web www.worldventure.com
God bless,
Rick and Diana Monthly support shortfall ($850)