Here is a letter from John he has been working on the rig.
Romans 15:5 May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Encouragement! What a wonderful thing that God blesses us with when we least expect it but when we most need it!
Approximately two years ago an old well rig was purchased for the purpose of drilling water wells in Kenya and Sudan. I put it in my back yard in RI and have been working on it for 2 years. I found out how little I really knew about well rigs. It sometimes seemed like I would take two steps forward and three steps back. I knew that each day that went by was another day that the people in Africa had either no water or had to drink rank, dirty water. I was getting very discouraged at times as the months went by.
Several months ago I received a call from a man in New Jersey asking if it would be ok if he and his friend came and helped on the rig. They had heard about it in their church Clayton Baptist a supporting church of Rick and Diana Wilson. Yes! My wife Dale and I had been praying for this rig for two years. Well, God turned those two men into seven! What a blessing! They were willing to take time out of their busy work schedules to come and help us. They each had expertise in specific areas. God sent experienced welders and even someone who was willing to do the tedious task of scrapping the rust off that old machine. These men were such an encouragement to me and it was all done to glorify God and to further His kingdom. They were only here for four days. I was saddened to see them leave, not because I would be back to working alone on the rig but because of the friendships we had created through Jesus Christ.
We had a common bond. It was so wonderful to see people from RI and people from NJ getting together to work on a project all for one reason---Spreading the Good News!
God had answered my prayers and I now can see a light at the end of the tunnel. With a new paint job and new engine it will go to Sudan by the beginning of December 2010. Just when God saw my need of encouragement, He sent these men from over three hundred miles away to help. I have been on seven short term mission trips but this was the closest one to my back door.
Dale and I have been to visit these men and their church---our new friends from New JOISEY! What a great time we have had together!
Thank you for your prayers and support.
Rick and Diana Wilson