Philip’s House helps orphans and abandoned children. It has turned out to be one of the best ministries we have partnered with. We have helped 18 children who were abandoned or orphaned. These children were taken in at different ages--some as young as 3 years of age.
I had mentioned a couple months ago that I would relate some of the children’s stories. I want to start by telling you of two children that I have known for 8 years. One is married and the other is working on the chicken farm that Samuel and Mihai (directors of the project) have in Romania.
Nicoleta and Vasilica were born into a good family, but when their father and mother died in a car accident they were given to the state and put into a state home. For years they were neglected and abused. They had one aunt who was able to take their older brother but not the three younger ones. Sadly, no one knows where the youngest is or what became of him.
The older brother who was raised by the aunt is a lawyer living and working in Timisoara, Romania and is normal in everyway. Nicoleta and Vasilica grew up in our small orphanage and are doing well, but they have never bounced back completely from the abuse and the neglect they experienced in the state home. They have suffered with issues of abandonment to almost total despair. Socially, they never felt a part of the group. They closed themselves off and were very withdrawn. However, as adults even though they still have some issues, they are doing quite well with jobs and are looking forward to a brighter future. Nicoleta is now married to Ioancy, but still has a very difficult time thinking and reasoning. Some would say she is mildly retarded, perhaps because of the harsh existence she had before coming to Philip's House and to the Lord. I have talked to her many times and I have seen her grow and interact more with others. She is not the same girl that she was before, and with her husband’s help, she is doing well. They have their own work and are living in a small village outside Timisoara.
Nicoleta’s younger brother Vasilica has many of the same problems and it hard for him to be around people because of his early years. He is working and living on the farm. His hopes are to have a wife and family one-day. They have had to work through many issues, the hardest being why the aunt didn’t pick them and why they were left to the state. Through you all and the work of God there, these young adults now have a future full of hope. Their lives have improved tremendously!
We have put Bettina (a young woman we met a few years ago and grew up as an orphan) in touch with one of the Vice-presidents of P&G. What a testimony of God’s grace for this young woman that a Christian in another part of the world is willing to lend a hand! She is currently working on her resume and is hoping to get a job with the company. She has some big decisions to make about this job and a move. Pray for her.
We also helped our fellow workers, Mihai and Samuel, by putting them in contact with the P&G logistics group in Romania and they are working on potential trucking routes that could possibly financially aid Philip’s House even more! So you see, our work in Romania is building the kingdom one person at a time with the help and support of people like you and Daniel Myers who works for P&G. Thank you Daniel!!! Pray that the trucking contract would go through.
Thank you ALL for being a part of our work through your giving and prayers. “I can no other answer make, but, thanks, and thanks.” William Shakespeare
God bless,
Rick and Diana Wilson
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